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As Times Goes By

Önerilen Mesajlar

Oluşturma zamanı:

Casablanca adlı mükemmel filmde Tekrar Çal Sam repliği ile aklımıza yer etmiş Frank Sinatra , Nat King Cole ve filde Dooley Wilson tarafından seslendirilmiş mükemmel şarkı.

You must remember this

A kiss is still a kiss

A sigh is still (just) a sigh

The fundamental things apply

As time goes by


And when two lovers woo

They still say: "i love you"

On that you can rely

No matter what the future brings

As time goes by


Moonlight and love songs - never out of date

Hearts full of passion - jealousy and hate

Woman needs man - and man must have his mate

That no one can deny


It's still the same old story

A fight for love and glory

A case of do or die

The world will always welcome lovers

As time goes by


Frank Sinatra



Dooley Wilson


Sohbete katıl

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