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The Barron Knights

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Oluşturma zamanı:

The Topical Song ( İngiltere versiyonu )


(gurgle, gurgle)


When I was young

All the gas was so plentiful

Bountiful, oh, liberal

My tank was full


And all the pumps on the street

They would gurgle so happily

Joyfully, oh, playfully

Filling me


And then the shortage arose

And I tried to be sensible

Logical, economical



And now they doubled the price

Filling up can be ludicrous

Ridiculous, I get furious



There are times I sit here in the queue

Not knowing what to do

It's driving me insane


Sitting here the radio's kaput

There's cramp in my right foot

I wish I'd gone by train


I say, watch where you park

'Cause they siphon it after dark

What a lark, oh, and when you start

It's just a spark


Don't know what I can do

'Cause the cost of a bicycle

It's criminal, astronomical,



Oh, pump it, pump it, pump it, yeah


"You know, I want to set an example to you all

By thumbing a lift to the house"


Told my sister just the other week

Get married to a sheik

He'd keep us well supplied


Sold the car to pay my petrol bills

And now I'm taking pills

I feel like suicide






Oh, pump it, pump it, pump it, pump it yeah



(Amerika versiyonu)


The Topical Song


When I was young

All the gas was so plentiful

Bountiful, oh, liberal

My tank was full


And all the pumps on the street

They would dangle so happily

Joyfully, oh, playfully filling me


And then a shortage arose

And I tried to be sensible

Logical, economical, responsible


And now they doubled the price

Filling up can be ludicrous

Ridiculous, I get furious



There are lines that

Stretch across the land

How much can we withstand

They're holding back the fuel


So instead, in traffic jams I fight

Crouched on my sister's bike

I really look the fool


I said watch where you park

Cause they siphon it after dark

What a lark,

Oh, and when you start

There's just a spark


And if you run out in line

You'll be pushed out in double time

And soon you'll find,

oh, you'll be behind the last car sign


Oh, pump it, pump it, pump it, yeah


Don't you think

It's getting out of hand

Pumping out with a gas can

Don't tell me it's all gone


They say odds and evens will see a few

Please tell me what to do

The lines are far too long


They're so long

They're so long

They're so long

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