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Death Videoları


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death'in 1991 çıkışlı "human" albümünün bomba parçasıdır


a condeming fear strikes down

things they cannot understand

an excuse to cover up weaknesses that lie within


laying your guilt and pain

on people that had no part in the molding of a life

that creates its destruction


right before your very eyes

a reflection of the mistakes

to the end you will deny

your part in the demise of a life

lack of comprehension

thriving on your cliche

compelled by self-resentment


reaching into the minds of those that created

the depression in which they

in which they drowned their flesh and blood


so easy to blame the

everlasting fear on a pathetic attempt

to justify the ending of life


right before your very eyes

a reflection of the mistakes

to the end you will deny

your part in the demise of a life

lack of comprehension

thriving on your cliche

compelled by self-resentment


en çok coverlanan death şarkılarındandır. her "death" eseri gibi bu da aşmıştır. o nasıl duygusal bir giriştir öyle amanin :D ayrıca alman "progressive death metal" grubu obscura, bu şarkının çok güzel bir coverını yapmıştır "retribution" albümlerinde.

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