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Death Angel Videoları

Önerilen Mesajlar

Yanıtlama zamanı:


sağol nevermore ;)


Killing Season albümü ucuncu parcasi.Muthiş gaz bir parca.


I lie awake

What will they think?

What will they say?

Probably nothing


No walls there could hold me

No walls there could mold me

People step aside

You're wasting my time trying


Teachers couldn't teach it

No ones arms could reach it

You all just abide and watch

Your rights get stolen


Cast away my soul, and begin

Hypnotized by a killing moon


Dethroned, take a life away

Dethroned, nothing left to say

Dethroned, long time coming

Victim in the eyes of a savior gunning



Jesus didn't show me

Neighbors didn't know me

Revolution start today

Nail the truth, kill the sin


Cameras will not see it

No one will believe it

A horror in the crowd

Now bathe your king in fire


Cast away my soul, and begin

Hypnotized by a killing moon


Dethroned, take a life away

Dethroned, nothing left to say

Dethroned, long time coming

Victim in the eyes of a savior gunning


Sohbete katıl

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