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One Eskimo

Önerilen Mesajlar

Oluşturma zamanı:



Picture me in a boat on the sea

Five fingered leaves keep covering me

Don't you know that the big Ferris Wheel is eventually stalling


I see you I see the animals too

Especially those that are out at the zoo

They look just like me and a lot like everybody


And if we're lucky we might see the end of the day completely



Collect all your things cuz it's hometime

Come on

Collect all your things cuz it's hometime


People walkin' on top of the sea

But this time it doesn't matter to me

Because I've got these magical seeds and the trees are still growing


Stone throwing I've got nothing to do

Only hope I got the message to you

Because if we're lucky we might see the end of the world completely

And if we do than I hope that it's you waiting there to meet me



Collect all your things cuz it's hometime

Come on

Collect all your things cuz it's hometime


-Trumpet Instrumental-



Collect all your things cuz it's hometime

Come on

Collect all your things cuz it's hometime

-continues till end-

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