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Manic Street Preachers Şarkı Sözleri

Topal Kırkayak

Önerilen Mesajlar

The Everlasting


The gap that grows between our lives

The gap our parents never had

Stop those thoughts control your mind

Replace the things that you despise

Oh you're old I hear you say

It doesn't mean that I don't care

I don't believe in it anymore

Pathetic acts for a worthless cause


In the beginning when we were winning

When our smiles were genuine

In the beginning when we were winning

When our smiles were genuine

But now unforgiven the everlasting



The world is full of refugees

They're just like you and just like me

But as people we have a choice

To end the void with all its force

So don't forget or don't pretend

It's all the same now in the end

It was set in a different life

Destroys my days and haunts my nights?


In the beginning when we were winning

When our smiles were genuine

In the beginning when we were winning

When our smiles were genuine

But now unforgiving the everlasting


Now unforgiving, the everlasting


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