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Dream Evil Videoları


Önerilen Mesajlar

Oluşturma zamanı:



I'd sign - a contract with the devil


I've tried - for so very long


I'd die - to become immortal


thats why I sing this song


Am I a wannabe? - have I no dignity.


Whod give up all my life.. to be


In the book of heavy metal.. metal!


In the book of heavy metal




In life - I have no religion


besides the heavy metal gods


wear nothing but black skin tight leather


My skins clad with Metal studs


Am I a wannabe? - have I no dignity.


I give up all my life to be..


In the book of heavy metal.. metal!


In the book of heavy metal



Some twenty years ago, the goods put down there feet,


So firmly in to the ground that no man of sword nor pen,


could ever chains the rules upon which


The very fundament of metal was made.




Read all about it, in the book of heavy metal


Read all about it, in the manual


Read all about it, in the book of heavy metal


Read all about it


Dont need no flashy house, no kids&car or ugly wife


the only thing I want, is what my parents dont


need no widescreen TV, No in all honesty


the only thing I want to be (to be or not to be)




In the book of heavy metal - In life - metal!


In the book of heavy metal - to death - metal!


I've signed - a contract with the devil


I'd like to become a star


I'd die - to become immortal


Thats why I play the guitar

Sohbete katıl

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