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Amaseffer Videoları

Önerilen Mesajlar

Oluşturma zamanı:


In a land of two horizons

One million suns ago

Where Pharaoh rules black magic tribes

Effigies with marble eyes


King of all kings

Not like one before

He never knew of Joseph's son

(Enslave the hebrews, kingdom come)


Seasons End

Years went by


Forced label bleeding hands blistering our soul


Look for a sign in the pale grey sky

Look for something we might never find

If god exists please tell us why

Must we die in the clutching hands of evil?



God send us your helping hand


Striving for our promise land


Walk towards the sun

From anguish to redemption

Look for a guiding hand

To bring us all salvation


Oh mighty gods of Egypt

Rulers of winds and suns


Look they outnumber us

Shrewdly we deal with them

Proudly we stand as a kingdom

One must be strong, it has begun


Master Anubis, demonstrate your powers

Abashed I stand before you

Crush their spirits

Subdue the hebrew slaves

No leniency, compassion


A vision I had

Someone will arise

A new messiah liberation is thy name


You shall not see the light of day

You will not run nor sleep away

No way out from this enchanted land

The gods of Egypt cast their Spell

Sohbete katıl

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