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Billy Ocean

Önerilen Mesajlar

Yanıtlama zamanı:

Dinledikçe dinleyesim geliyor. uuuuu can ı touch ya ? :D




When the going gets tough

The tough get going, tough, tough

When the going gets tough, the tough get ready


I got something to tell you

I got something to say

I'm gonna put this dream in motion

Never let nothing stand in my way

When the going gets touch

The tough get going


Well I'm gonna get myself 'cross the river

That's the price I'm willing to pay

I'm gonna make you stand and deliver

And give me love in the old-fashion way


Darlin', I'll climb any mountain

Darlin', I'll do anything


Oh, can I touch you?

And do the things that lovers do

Oh, wanna hold you

I gotta get it through to you, oh


When the going gets tough

The tough get going

When the going gets rough

The tough get rough

Hey, hey, hey oh baby


I'm gonna buy me a one-way ticket

Nothin's gonna hold me back

Your love's like a slow train coming

And I feel it coming down the track


Darlin', I'll climb any mountain

Darlin', I'll do anything


Ooh, can I touch you?

And do the things that lovers do

Ooh, wanna hold you

I gotta get it through to you


'Cos when the going gets tough

The tough get going

When the going gets rough

The tough get rough


Darlin', I'll climb any mountain

Darlin', I'll swim any sea

Darlin', I'll reach for the Heaven

Darlin', with you lovin' me


Oh, can I touch you?

And do the things that lovers do

Oh, wanna hold you

I gotta get it through to you


When the going gets tough

Going get rough

When the going gets tough

Going get rough

When the going gets tough

Going get rough

Sohbete katıl

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