MrColt Oluşturma zamanı: Şubat 14, 2011 Oluşturma zamanı: Şubat 14, 2011 İlk şarkı benden: Biraz yanlızlığın etkisi olabilir Pleasure Slave She is waiting to kiss my hand But she will wait for my command My chains and collar brought her to her knees She now is free to please Woman be my slave Thatİs your reason to live Woman be my slave The greatest gift i can give Woman be my slave Before her surrender she had no life Now sheİs a slave not a wife Her only sorrow is for women who live with lies Sheİs taken off her disguise Woman be my slave Chained unto my bed Woman be my slave Begging to be fed Your body belongs to me Woman come here Remove your garments Kneel before me Please me Woman be my slave Chained unto my bed Woman be my slave Begging to be fed I want you now Woman be my slave Alıntı
serpentine Yanıtlama zamanı: Şubat 14, 2011 Yanıtlama zamanı: Şubat 14, 2011 [video=youtube;SUMcA--ejOc] Alıntı
TaiNTeD_LoVe Yanıtlama zamanı: Şubat 14, 2011 Yanıtlama zamanı: Şubat 14, 2011 [video=youtube;yRIh-4uCzJ0] sevgiye çeyrek var Alıntı
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