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Midlake Videoları

Önerilen Mesajlar

Oluşturma zamanı:


As the spring is made alive the winter dies

And the final cries of creatures are long behind

And full of spirit the village starts again

With one more year for a man to change his ways


I used to feel things around me stir,

Grateful for all I received,

Taking in the sounds and ways of creatures upon the Earth

Great were the rivers I swam waning out the sun


As the winter dies the Earth is brought to life

And a thousand merchant ships sail to find

A worthy village to land and start again

With one more year for a man to change his ways


I used to feel things around me stir,

Grateful for all I received,

Taking in the sounds and ways of creatures upon the Earth

Great were the rivers I swam waning out the sun


I used to feel things around me stir

And hear the sounds of creatures upon the Earth

Grateful for all I received

Through the winter cold and spring

Sohbete katıl

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