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Önerilen Mesajlar

Yanıtlama zamanı: (düzenlendi)

madrugada nın tüm şarkılarını dinlenesi buluyorum, sivert hoyem in tok sesinden midir bilmem .


fairytale tarafından düzenlendi
Yanıtlama zamanı:


You were at my door

I heard you knockin', but I didn't care at all

I had been in all night, just starin' at the wall

I didn't really want to see you anymore


Comin' from the road

You took your coat off and you threw it on the floor

You said I can't believe you wanna hurt me so

I said I'm not supposed to be like this you know

Well I just had to let you go


What's on your mind

When you're lost in time

What's on your mind, tell me why

Why does it have to be this way?


You were in that dream

That I was dreamin' I was dreamin in a dream

Your nylon dress and I was floatin' back downstream

I wanted love to come and swallow everything



Everything it's real

Sooner or later, doesn't matter how you feel

You slammed that door shut on the night of glass and steel

I cannot blame you for believing what you believe

Well I just had to let you go


What's on your mind

When you're lost in time

What's on your mind, tell me why

Why does it have to be this way?

Why do you always stay

Miles away, and to steps behind

Where the past is still livin'

Beautiful and forgiven

Do you not see

That you live in a dream



What's on your mind

When you're lost in time

What's on your mind, tell me why

Why does it have to be this way?


What's on your mind

When you're lost in time

What's on your mind, tell me why

Why does it have to be this way?


What's on your mind

When you're lost in time

What's on your mind, tell me why

Why does it have to be this way?

Sohbete katıl

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