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Ugly Kid Joe Videoları

Önerilen Mesajlar

Oluşturma zamanı:


I, hate the rain and sunny weather,

and I, hate the beach and mountains too;

(and) I dont like a thing about the city, no, no

and I, I, I, hate the countryside too



and I, hate everything about you

... everything about you


I, dont like a thing about your mother,

and I, hate your daddys guts too,

I, dont like a thing about your sister,

cause I, I, I, think sex is overrated too.



and I, get sick when Im around, I, cant stand to be around,

I, hate everything about you

Everything about you,

Everything about you,

Everything about you


Some say I got a bad attitude,

but that dont change the way I feel about you,

and if you think this thought might bring me down,

look again cause I aint wearin no frown


I dont really care about your sister

Forget the little bitch cause I already kissed her


One thing that I did to your lady

I put her on the bed and she didnt even say maybe

I know you know everybody knows

the way it comes, the way its gonna go

You think its sad,

And thats too bad,

Cause Im havin

A ball hatin

Every little thing about you


Everything about you, Everything about...

I, get sick when Im around

I, cant stand to be around

I, hate everything about........... you hehe

Sohbete katıl

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