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Anneke van Giersbergen

Önerilen Mesajlar

Oluşturma zamanı:

Drove on by your house today,

I know it's hard to stay away.

It's allright, you pick a fight,

But my heart is on the tray.


Whatever you may think of me

Your know that there'll never be

Someone who loves you more than I do.

One day you will understand

You had me in the palm of your hand,

And I will be gone, I leave you to wonder.


I took a breath, looked at your door,

The times that I've been here before.

Your smiling face, your warm embrace,

Those days are not here anymore.


Whatever you may think of me

Your know that there'll never be

Someone who loves you more than I do.

One day you will understand

You had me in the palm of your hand,

And I will be gone, I leave you to wonder.


Drove on by, I don't know why

It's so hard to stay away.

I kiss goodbye, a teary eye,

It's another lonely day.


Sohbete katıl

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