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Önerilen Mesajlar

Oluşturma zamanı:

We have material minds

And restless hands

Longing hearts

And lonely beds

But we purchase stuff

And work too hard

Use our heads

And fill our beds


What’ve we done


What’ve we done


And we’re left with wretched hearts

And mangled minds

Concrete feet

And beggars lies

But we live our lives

On broken earth

We need repair our eyes (?)

To kiss the dirt


What’ve we done


What’ve we done


But what do you do when you’re out of touch, what do you do?

And how do you live with a conscience so caught up, how do you live?


Oh what do you do when you’re out of touch, what do you do?

And how do you live with a conscience so caught up, how do you live?


Oh what do you do when you’re out of touch, what do you do?

And how do you live with a conscience so caught up?

So caught up

So caught up

So caught up


So caught up

So caught up

So caught up

So caught up



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