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Hammerfall Videoları


Önerilen Mesajlar

Oluşturma zamanı:


(I) I am the one

(The one) Who lost control

(Control) But in the end I'd be the

Last Man Standing


(I) I am the one

(The one) Who sold his soul

(His soul) Forever gone to be the

Last Man Standing



Noble in my mind

Everything a fight to win

Taking all and giving

Whatever my pride would let me

Not backing down, not giving in

I wouldn't lose, I couldn't


(I) I am the one

(The one) Who lost control

(Control) But in the end I'd be the

Last Man Standing


(I) I am the one

(The one) Who sold his soul

(His soul) Forever gone to be the

Last Man Standing



I walk alone

With my head held high

Never felt that I belonged

Stand my ground at all costs

Running through life with blindfolds

Just for the right - right to be wrong


Nothing would rule my world but…


Nothing would rule my world but…


Seeing clearer what I've done

I'd refuse to let things go

I could never once admit I'm wrong

And what do I have to show?


Seeing clearer what's at stake

And the things I have to change

I just hope I can, it's not too late

To get a chance to end this pain

Yanıtlama zamanı:

Hammerfall'ı çok sevsem de neden bu kadar sözlüklerde falan kötülendiğini anlamıyorm. Sanırıp tip ve tripten kaybediyorlar.

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