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Kalmah Videoları


Önerilen Mesajlar

Oluşturma zamanı:

Kalmah - Evil In You


The time is right you and I

We will fight the final battle

Gone away the bond of passion

Death of faith, left aggression


We sworn the oath, now it is broken

Gone away with deception

I'll root out the nest of rebellion

Wage of sin, total subjection


The ancient law from the old union - obedience !


In the face of judge you regret

Sue for mercy before the creating

Remove the one for me to end

Only way to endless purity


Now you find the path of rightness

Opens the gate to deepest openness

True peace in the place of paradise

Will decay


Whiplash, flowing tears

Resumed respect

Supreme power

Beats the evil out of you

Sohbete katıl

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