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Atheist Song

Topal Kırkayak

Önerilen Mesajlar

Oluşturma zamanı:

: ))



Christians have their hymns and pages,

Hava Nagila’s for the Jews,

Baptists have the rock of ages,

Atheists just sing the blues.

Romantics play Claire de Lune,

Born agains sing He is risen,

But no one ever wrote a tune,

For godless existentialism.

For Atheists,

There’s no good news,

They’ll never sing a song of faith.

For atheists,

They have a rule,

The “he” is always lowercase.

The “he” is always lowercase.

Some folks sing a Bach cantata,

Lutherans get Christmas trees,

Atheist songs add up to nada,

But they do have Sundays free.

Pentecostalists sing they sing to heaven,

Coptics have the books of scrolls,

Numerologists can count to seven,

Atheists have rock and roll.

For Atheists,

There’s no good news,

They’ll never sing a song of Faith.

In their songs,

They have a rule,

The “he” is always lowercase.

The “he” is always lowercase.

Catholics dress up for Mass,

And listen to, Gregorian chants.

Atheists just take a pass,

Watch football in their underpants.

Watch football in their underpants.

Atheists, Atheists, Atheists,

Don’t have no songs!

Sohbete katıl

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