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Melechesh Videoları

Önerilen Mesajlar

Oluşturma zamanı:


Dinlemeyen çok şey kaçırmış demektir :)




Grand Gathas, bringers of magick

Stun the norm, sublime ideas

Builders of restless towers

They grow to reach the heavens


NINE... Nine spirits wreak havok

NINE... Nine spirits ever defiant


Reconstruction of the golden age

Guided by giant bearded sages

Metaphoric mirage of the ideal

Materialize the spoken word


NINE... Nine spirits wreak havok

NINE... Nine spirits ever defiant


Under the eye of Ashur

And all the wise

All the bearded giants

With their liquid souls we're baptized


Caliphates of the truth

Khamsa fee ein Il'adoo


Polymaths are the ones who question

Polymaths are the ones who hear

Surreal voices scream

Awake and march to the next domain


Under the eye of Ashur

And all the wise

All the bearded giants

We're baptized with their liquid souls


Bringers of shadows

Shun the mask

That mask the illusion of the mass


Grand Gathas, bringers of magick

Stun the norm, sublime ideas

Builders of restless towers

They grow to reach the heavens


NINE... Nine spirits wreak havok

NINE... Nine spirits ever defiant




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