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The Dragonborn Comes



Our hero, our hero, claims a warrior’s heart

I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comes

With a Voice wielding power of the ancient Nord art

Believe, believe, the Dragonborn comes

It’s an end to the evil, of all Skyrim’s foes

Beware, beware, the Dragonborn comes

For the darkness has passed, and the legend yet grows

You’ll know, You’ll know the Dragonborn’s come



Age of Aggression


We drink to our youth, to days come and goneFor the age of aggression is just about done

We’ll drive out the Stormcloaks and restore what we own

With our blood and our steel we’ll take back our home

Down with Ulfric the killer of kings

On the day of your death we’ll drink and we’ll sing

We’re the children of Skyrim, and we fight all our lives

And when Sovngarde beckons, every one of us dies!

But this land is ours and we’ll see it wiped clean

Of the scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams


Age of Oppression


We drink to our youth, and to days come and gone

For the age of oppression is now nearly done

We’ll drive out the Empire from this land that we own

With our blood and our steel we will take back our home

All hail to Ulfric! You are the High King!

In your great honor we drink and we sing

We’re the children of Skyrim, and we fight all our lives

And when Sovngarde beckons, every one of us dies!

But this land is ours and we’ll see it wiped clean

Of the scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams



Ragnar the Red

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