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Önerilen Mesajlar

Yanıtlama zamanı:


now that its time

now that the hour hand has landed at the end

now that its real

now that the dreams have given all they had to lend

i want to know

do i stay or do i go

and maybe try another time

and do i really have a hand in my forgetting?


now that i've tried

now that i've finally found that this is not the way

now that i've turned

now that i feel its time to spend the night away

i want to know

do i stay or do i go

and maybe finally split the rhyme

and do i really understand the undernetting?


yes, and the morning has me

looking in your eyes

and seeing mine warning me

to read the signs carefully


now that it's light

now that candle's falling smaller in my mind

now that its here

now that i'm almost not so very far behind

i want to know

do i stay or do i go

and maybe follow another sign

and do i really have a song that i can ride on?


now that i can

now that its easy, ever easy all around

now that i'm here

now that i'm falling to the sunlights and a song

i want to know

do i stay or do i go

and do i have to do just one

and can i choose again if i should lose the reason?


yes, and the morning has me

looking in your eyes

and seeing mine warning me

to read the signs more carefully


now that i smile

now that i'm laughing even deeper inside

now that i see

now that i finally found the one thing i denied

its now i know

do i stay or do i go

and it is finally i decide

that i'll be leaving

in the fairest of the seasons


Sohbete katıl

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