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Önerilen Mesajlar

Yanıtlama zamanı:

indım dereyeee daaş bulamadııım

indım dereyeee daaş bulamadııım

kendimee göre eşşş bulamadııımzuhahaha

van tu tıri forrooooooooowwwww

Yanıtlama zamanı:

=( dinleme zamanım geldi sanırım goran bregovic i.

ama şimdiliiiiik böyle gidicem...

zaideem guuuurbanın ooyyy nolacaaakh halıımm

yine bir söööz duyduuum gırıldıyyy belim


Yanıtlama zamanı:

Dark Funeral


Oh, mighty lord of the evil realm

Open the gates to your dominion

Save me from this holy light

That makes me suffer like a pig

Satan lead me to your throne

And make me one with hell

I kneel before you dark lord

And swear the unholy oath


Unholy master Satan - make my wish come true

Open wide your kingdom-where all the evil rule

Lord of hell possess my soul

With thousand mad and insane demons

Lock up, the seven gates

And bring out your infernal legions


Lucifer - lead me to your throne

Satan - bless my damned soul

Belial - baptize me in blood

Leviathan - take me to the depths


Open the gates - Satan

Open the gates - Satan

Open the gates - Satan

Open the gates - Satan


Master-cast your spell on earth

Curse the waek disciples, their holy soul must burn

Lord of fire - consume the holy lord

Your black flame of damnation shall purify the world


Lucifer - let the cursed soul burn

Satan - make fire consume the world

Belial - sacrifice thy holy blood

Leviathan - show their lord your wrath


Open the gates - Satan

Open the gates - Satan

Open the gates - Satan

Open the gates - Satan

Yanıtlama zamanı:

Sub atro sole

Tenebris lucet abyssus temporis.

Domini nomen foedatum,

Peritum regnum caelorum.


Elend - du trefonds des tenebres

Yanıtlama zamanı:

Lost Control__Anathema

Hayat...Bir kez daha ihanet etti bana

Kabul ettim bazı şeylerin asla değişmeyeceğini

İzin verdim o küçük beynin acılarımı büyütmesine

Ve bu bende kimyasal bir bağımlılık yarattı..Akıl sağlığım için


Evet düşüyorum

Ne kadar sürer yere çarpmam?

Anlatamam sana neden kırgın olduğumu

Hiç merak ettinmi neden yalnız kalmayı tercih ettiğimi?

Ve kontrolümü nasıl kaybettiğimi?


Bir sona geliyorum

Ne olabiliceğimi anladım

Uyuyamıyorum ve bir nefes alıp saklanıyorum en cesur maskemin ardında

Kontrolümü kaybettiğimi kabul ediyorum.

Yanıtlama zamanı:

Mercyful fate - 9


In Hell

Are we all in Hell? Are we in Heaven?

Heaven... heavenly Hell

We are 9

Good and Evil, Dark and Light

We are 9,9 we are

I am 9... You are 9... We are 9

God is Satan deep below, Satan is God high above

In the end it's all the same

Who are we to play their game

We are 9

9 we are all 9 we are 9 we are all 9

In Hell

Are we in Hell?

Time has disappeared into an unknown evil

In Heaven? Heaven... heavenly Hell

I am 9... You are 9... We are 9

I am 9... You are 9... We are

Yanıtlama zamanı:

My dying Bride - deeper down


I'll seek you once I rise

Look behind. I will

slay your worthless

blackened soul.

Yanıtlama zamanı:

:( :( :( :( :( :( :( One Last Goodbye


How I needed you

How I grieve now you're gone

In my dreams I see you

I awake so alone


I know you didn't want to leave

Your heart yearned to stay

But the strength I always loved in you

Finally gave way


Somehow I knew you would leave me this way

Somehow I knew you could never.. never stay

And in the early morning light

After a silent peaceful night

You took my heart away

And I grieve


In my dreams I can see you

I can tell you how I feel

In my dreams I can hold you

And it feels so real


I still feel the pain

I still feel your love

I still feel the pain

I still feel your love


And somehow I knew you could never, never stay

And somehow I knew you would leave me

And in the early morning light

After a Silent peaceful night

You took my heart away

I wished, I wished you could have stayed



Yanıtlama zamanı:

Your sibilant eyes, bloodied with tears

I'll pray for you, I'll stay away from barren stars

Elend - Away from barren stars

Yanıtlama zamanı:

Antimatter - the Last laugh


And so you had the last laugh - ha ha ho...

I laughed you off a long time ago.

Your ever changing personality never fails to tickle me at all.

You said you were a white witch,

Reminds me of a movie that you'd seen.

Well can you still open doors with just your mind?

In this little space in time, I've played with better things.

Everything you done...

The games you said you'd won - I still remember all to well.

The foes that fought and lost - the fools that bore your cross - I still

remember all to well.

And it's all a state of mind.

I've seen you crave affection,

Affected minds don't work too evenly.

Well what did you call it when you stabbed me in the back?

And rewrote in retrospect lovers pain.

Where do you find redemption? Tucked away in pre-recorded dreams?

Do you wake each morning wondering when it came?

The experiments in pain no longer here in my world.

Yanıtlama zamanı:

Lacrimosa - schakal


A young angel appears before the temple

Her spittle clings under her wings

Fresh blood drops from her brows

He opens his hands and calls for more

I close my eyes and lick her flood of tears

Lazy bodies lie on the steps

Victims of love scorched by the sun

Sohbete katıl

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