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Önerilen Mesajlar

Yanıtlama zamanı:

SEnin sevgin kara çalı unutturdu yeşil alı

kaç yıl oldu ayrılalı

saymadın hiç saymadın hiç


lanet olsun herşeyine bat artık derine

beni sevgilin yerine koymadın hiç koymadın hiç

Yanıtlama zamanı:

Bu da sana güzelim....son albümden


Borée_La carriére d'Ombre


Screams across the city,scream dead through a thousand screams:they are dead!

It exerts its will over a city of slaves,

because man is the most terrible beast.

The wars poison us,and

I know that by yielding to the black heart of the night

we will give up the common law.

Life under the lance and the soul onthe sword.

The ways of fortune are cruel.

Filaments of eternal night torn from the line of time,

the winds burn the bodies,erasing traces,symbols or alliances.

But the cold will not extinguish the pyres.And if I die,it is to welcome Boreas in my veins.

I have seen the new camps unfold,the quarries of darkness where the slaves rot away.

The Omphalos screams of darkness.

I have returned from the quarry of darkness for you.Among the dead you have chosen me.I have returned from the forest of snakes entwined with darkness,

Its claws tearing from me the fantasy of a scream.

I have returned from the forest of snakes,entwined with darkness.

I have returned from the quarry of shadows.

I have touched the boundaries of death.


(lucy türkçesini e maille yolllasan iyi olur ingilizcem zay1fta...;))

Yanıtlama zamanı:

Bu bir rüya, bu bir dua, nedersen de dee.. öyle olsun

Rüzgara karşı uçmaya çalıştım...

Gözlerim kapalı seni aradım seni aradım.

Körebe oynar gibi

Çocukken sahip olduğum kırmızı rugan ayakkabılarım....

Onlar da senin gibi çok tatlıydılar AMA CANIMI YAKARDILAR, ACITIRLAR

Yanıtlama zamanı:

Alain Morissette:)

If god had a name what would it be?

And would you call it to his face?

If you were faced with him in all his glory

What would you ask if you had just one question?


Yeah, yeah, god is great

Yeah, yeah, god is good

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah


What if god was one of us?

Just a slob like one of us

Just a stranger on the bus

Trying to make his way home


If god had a face

What would it look like?

And would you want to see

If seeing meant that you would have to believe

In things like heaven and jesus and the saints

And all the prophets


Yeah yeah god is great

Yeah yeah god is good

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah


What if god was one of us?

Just a slob like one of us

Just a stranger on the bus

Trying to make his way home

Just trying to make his way home

Back up to heaven all alone

Nobody callin' on the phone

Cept for the pope maybe in rome


Yeah yeah god is great

Yeah yeah god is good

Yeah yeah yeah yeah


What if god was one of us?

Just a slob like one of us

Just a stranger on the bus

Trying to make his way home

Like a holly rolling stone

Back up to heaven all alone

Just trying to make his way home

Nobody callin' on the phone

'cept for the pope maybe in rome

Yanıtlama zamanı:

Carcass - No Love Lost


Sensual awakening

Numbing feeling's dead

Conception's romanticised

Synthesized broken heart's to bled


Without emotion you heartstring's played

Strummed and severed to the tune of a tragic serenade


Without emotion, your heartstrings break

Snapped and severed to the tune of a tragic, sad cliche


No love lost

When all is said and done

There's no love lost


The low cost of loving

Amorous travesty

Human frailties and weakness are easy prey

How your poor heart will bleed

Yanıtlama zamanı:

"Pure Morning"


A friend in needs a friend indeed,

A friend with weed is better,

A friend with breasts and all the rest,

A friend who's dressed in leather,


A friend in needs a friend indeed,

A friend who'll tease is better ,

Our thoughts compressed,

Which makes us blessed,

And makes for stormy weather,


A friend in needs a friend indeed,

My Japanese is better,

And when she's pressed she will undress,

And then she's boxing clever,


A friend in needs a friend indeed,

A friend who bleeds is better,

My friend confessed she passed the test,

And we will never sever,


Day's dawning, skins crawling [repeat three more times]

Pure morning, [repeat this three more times]

Yanıtlama zamanı:

At the Gates


The Burning Darkness


To see a wormhole in your eyes fall to earth

And plague my heavens black


With fear I kiss the burning darkness

Forever burn


Leave not only me

But for every thought I think


Forever burn

Sohbete katıl

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