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Önerilen Mesajlar

Yanıtlama zamanı:

katatonia-dead house(deus a ithaf ediom)


Somehow better without this

Headlights fuck the city

Somewhere i'm broken

No sensations nevermore


What do you say when you speak

I sense no time

Discouraged television sleep

Not awake until it's dark


Somehow i never leave

This deadhouse

Somehow i don't mind being gone

And if you think you've seen me

I have to prove you

That you're wrong

Yanıtlama zamanı:



It's hard to say where i've been

Or am, sleeping in the dark

I don't know where i live

Dirty (splintered) palace walls


I'm returning from something

To something

I'm returning from something

To something

Guess i'm alright

Yanıtlama zamanı:

susma soyle nasil yasar boyle insan

susma konus hadi anlat buyuk insan

soyle ilac mi care olurdu zaman mi

boyle kaldirip atardik ya sevdayi

susma soyle nasil yapar bunu insan

susma nasildi anlat hadi ayrilirsam

soyle hayat mi care bulurdu kendim mi

boyle buyuk asklar boyle mi biterdi????

Yanıtlama zamanı:

.yasamadım ben bugunu yasamadım ınadımdan

göremedım gectıgını yanı basımdan her yanımdan

ellerin uzanmasın ..uzak dursun sakın dokunmasın

hayal ettıklerım bana yakısmasın ...ınancım yok benım





sanılmasın yıne basmıs onu bunaltılar yanılmasın öle dalga gecen yabancılar

.....ah neşesı yeter....

Yanıtlama zamanı:

Autumn Reflection


I remember yesterday

The rain fell to the earth

For I dream of your arrival

And color my dark world with faith


Knowing you would be the strong one

To keep my focus in close view


I thank the heavens above

For the angel beside me today

The guardian of my sanity

The one who will save my soul

If I ever doubt the faith I hold

I only need one smile from you

And an autumn reflection

will deliver me to your arms


Someday you will understand

How much you mean to me

for every day that passes me by

I long for the person you will become


I thank the heavens above

For the angel beside me today

The guardian of my sanity

The one who will save my soul

If I ever doubt the faith I hold

I only need one smile from you

And an autumn reflection

will deliver me to your arms


I am stronger now

Since you came into my life

With a thought of your smile

I remember yesterday

Yanıtlama zamanı:

I wish I was special,

you're so fucking special.

But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo.

What the hell am I doing here?

I don't belong here.

Yanıtlama zamanı:

How I needed you

How I grieve now you're gone

In my dreams I see you

I awake so alone......


somehow I knew you could never, never stay.....


I still feel the pain.... I still feel your love...

Yanıtlama zamanı:

isyanım yanışıma ölüm bile susuyor ardına bakıp giden sen misin a kadın? gururum yere düşer yeter ki bak yüzüme..üstüme basıp geçme yar...

Yanıtlama zamanı:

hani büklüm büklüm boynunda hani paramparça ruhunda hani soran gözlerle kapında bekleyen dargın anılarım gibi

Yanıtlama zamanı:

You touched my life

With your softness in the night

My wish was your command

Until you ran out of love


romantik anlar :p:p:p :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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