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Üstteki Üyeye Şarkı Sözleriyle Cevap Verme


Önerilen Mesajlar

Sen de ankaralı namık dinlemeyi bırak :p


You see I am the wolf,

And this dirty, little piggy lives inside of me.

You see every now and then,

I forget which one that I want and which one that I need.

I have come to realize

That both of them have become a necessity

I now have come to realize

That I become which animal I choose to feed


dinlemiyorum zaten .d



Huida inesperada

De los brazos de nadie

Solo por la vías tristes


Momentos vividos contigo

Inmortalizados en mi alma


Carne de mi carne

Sangre de mi estirpe

Agua de mis mares


La noche no te detuvo

Ante el futuro

Que te arrebató de mí


Inexperto amigo

Precoz en el tiempo

Eterno en mí

Yorum bağlantısı
Diğer sitelerde paylaş

Feeling unknown

And you're all alone

Flesh and bone

By the telephone

Lift up the receiver

I'll make you a believer

Take second best

Put me to the test

Things on your chest

You need to confess

I will deliver

You know I'm a forgiver

Reach out and touch faith

Reach out and touch faith

Yorum bağlantısı
Diğer sitelerde paylaş

Sohbete katıl

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